Decent Work for Women - Ontario Nonprofit Network

Decent Work for Women

We can’t build a decent work movement without women

80% of the nonprofit sector labour force across Ontario and Canada consists of women workers, especially Black, immigrant, and Indigenous women, women with disabilities, and women from the LGBTQ2SI community, who experience unequal outcomes.

For this reason, ONN applies a gender-based intersectional lens GBA+ to its decent work movement. The GBA+ lens illuminates supports women workers particularly need in their workplaces.

The Decent Work for Women site

To fight for women’s economic justice, investing in sectors where women are underrepresented is not enough. We need investments in sectors that are historically and traditionally overrepresented with women, like the nonprofit sector. When a sector is women-majority, it is often undervalued, underfunded, and underestimated which undermines decent work and stalls women’s economic justice overall. To make women’s economic justice a reality, we need decent work in women-majority sectors.

That’s why ONN created this microsite dedicated to promoting decent work for women in the nonprofit sector.  The site offers a variety of downloadable reports and covers topics such as:

  • The role of gender in the nonprofit sector
  • The sector is women-majority but not women-led
  • The gender wage gap
  • Sexism and sexual harassment, including unique challenges facing racialized women and women with disabilities
  • Bullying
  • Racism and ageism

What does decent work for women in the nonprofit sector look like?


The Decent Work for Women effort is divided into three phases:

  • Phase 1: Research & Solutions
  • Parental leave benefits top-up fund, national movement building, francophone decent work movement building
  • The Nonprofit Care Economy

To amplify this work, please browse and share the resources below and visit the Decent Work for Women microsite.

For more information please contact: Pamela Uppal, Policy Advisor,

Phase one from 2017-2020 was funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada. Aspects of phase two are funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada and Community Foundations Canada.




Purple background with Ontario Nonprofit Network logo in the center
Voix des femmes

Purple background with Ontario Nonprofit Network logo in the center
La charte du travail décent



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