Our Work
Policy agenda
Decent work systems
| Volunteerism
| Nonprofit sustainability
| Social purpose real estate (SPRE)
| Data and privacy frameworks
| Regulatory environment
| Community wealth building
| Anti-privatization of publicly-funded services
| Active democracy
Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) advances bold and comprehensive public policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of Ontario’s nonprofit sector. Our policy agenda is aligned with our current strategic framework and plots a course with focus areas consisting of various policy files that we advance through either legislative, regulatory, budget, and/or implementation initiatives.
ONN projects
Nonprofit Law Ontario
| Ontario Care Policy Scorecard
| Reimagining Governance
| Decent Work for Indigenous, Black and racialized workers
| Data Evidence-Use Learning (DEAL)
| Decent Work for Women
| Decent Work Project
ONN Projects are special initiatives that help to address crucial issues affecting the health, impact, and sustainability of the nonprofit sector.
ONN works to create a public policy environment that strengthens nonprofits so they can do more. We advocate at all levels of government to implement effective policy for Ontario’s nonprofit sector. We also encourage nonprofits to engage in advocacy work and provide tools and resources to support their efforts.
Past work
ONN has been working to support nonprofit organizations since 2007. Past projects and past work are kept here, in our archive.