Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) - Ontario Nonprofit Network



This legislation, ONN’s founding issue, is the enabling corporate legal framework for most nonprofits incorporated under Ontario law.

Nonprofits have until October 19, 2024 to comply with ONCA

The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) was proclaimed on October 19, 2021. To learn more about what you might need to change, visit Nonprofit Law Ontario.

It may affect your nonprofit in many important ways, such as:

  • The requirement to get an audit
  • Members’ rights to make proposals and call members’ meetings
  • The number of your directors
  • By providing a new online Ontario Business Registry (OBR) that allows many different filings to be done online

ONN continues to advocate for: 

  • Supports to help nonprofits transition. 
  • A bug-free Ontario Business Registry that provides the sector information it needs
  • An ONCA that is fair, flexible, and clear for all nonprofits.

ONN provides legal information in response to questions about ONCA through Nonprofit Law Ontario. If you have a question, reach out to benjamin@theonn.ca.

A playlist of short, helpful ONCA related videos.

If you are having an issue navigating or using the OBR consider reaching out to ServiceOntario and if the problem persists, consider sharing your experience with obrinfo@oba.org. You can learn more about how to access the Ontario Business Registry below.

Extension of virtual meeting provisions

A special note that the Ontario government has extended virtual meeting provisions until September 2023. With the extension, organizations currently governed under the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) and other corporate Acts, are allowed to continue to hold meetings, including AGMs, virtually until September 30, 2023.

Ontario Business Registry

The Ontario government has launched the Ontario Business Registry. The Registry is expected to offer simpler, faster and better solutions to businesses and not-for-profit corporations across the province. It is intended to support the entire lifecycle of Ontario businesses and nonprofits – from registering, incorporating and ordering search products, to filing an annual return. Over 90 services will be available online. The registry will modernize the current system that relies on paper-based, manual processes; paper forms will also continue to be available.
ONN is actively monitoring issues with the Ontario Business Registry, providing feedback and recommendations to support navigation and use of the site from a nonprofit lens. We will continue to amplify the voices of the nonprofit sector with their experiences of the system – and ways to streamline and improve it. The Ontario Bar Association is also systematically gathering feedback to communicate to the government. If you are having an issue navigating or using the OBR to incorporate, transition, or make any other filing, consider sharing your experience with obrinfo@oba.org and cc us at benjamin@theonn.ca. Your experiences will inform the feedback we give to the Ontario government on how to improve their system in future versions.

What nonprofits can do now

Learn more about the Ontario Business Registry.

How to get your company key

Nonprofits can order one here. Upon request, the Ontario government will mail CompanyKeys to a nonprofit’s registered address.
If you ordered a CompanyKey and have not yet received it, here’s what you can do:

  1. Figure out if they have the right address for you on file. The government may not have the correct address for your organization on file either because you did not file a Notice of Change since moving to your most recent address or because of an error in the system. You can check to see if they has the right address for you by ordering a Corporate Profile. There is a fee.
    • If they have the wrong address on file go to step 2. 
    • If they have the right address on file go to step 3.
  2. File a Notice of Change. If they have the wrong address on file, then unfortunately, the only way to correct it is to either wait and see if it’s due to an error which the government will correct themselves or file a notice of change through one of the third parties since they do not require a CompanyKey to file the Notice of Change.
    • If you have filed a notice of change and receive confirmation that the address has been updated, you may try ordering a CompanyKey again. If it takes some time, go to step 3.  
  3. Keep waiting. We have heard from the sector that while it may take up to 4-5 weeks. If the government has the right address, ordering a CompanyKey again will have the effect of cancelling the previous CompanyKey so when you get it in the mail it will not work. Do not order a CompanyKey a second time if you have confirmed government has the right address on file.

We are regularly learning about other issues with the Ontario Business Registry and invite you to share your concerns with ServiceOntario. If you have had issues with the Ontario Business Registry, we want to hear from you. Please reach out and share your experience with benjamin@theonn.ca  


Regulations that were needed prior to the proclamation of ONCA have now been published.

History of work on the ONCA



This is a photo of the Ontario government building. There are two flags outside. One flag is the Canadian flag and the second flag is the Ontario flag.
ONCA update

Author Photo


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