
Tips and tools for effective virtual programming

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Many nonprofits and charities have had to move their programming and events online. The internet, especially virtual conferencing platforms and learning platforms, has become a host to a smorgasbord of virtual events – from workshops to AGMs, training courses to art activations, panel discussions to poetry slams. How can nonprofits develop effective virtual programming that meets the needs of the organization and the communities they serve? Find out this interactive panel discussion.

Here’s what you can expect from this webinar:

  • Discover how you can design online programming to be engaging and effective
  • Learn how to determine what types of virtual programming makes sense for your organization’s goals and audiences
  • Hear innovative examples from diverse sector leaders in an honest conversation about transitioning programming online (Hint: it’s not just about using Zoom)
  • Listen to the discussion and live Q & A discussion
June 11, 2020

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