
Buying Better

For many nonprofits, sourcing suppliers is an administrative burden taking up too much time, resources, and funds.

We also want to better reflect the values of the sector in our purchasing approaches.

In this interactive webinar, Co-Founder and Principal of Round Table Procurement Services, David Rourke, will share the “what, why, and how” of professional procurement so your organization can stay true to its mission, while improving operational performance.

You will:

  • Learn how to reduce costs, time, and risks associated with sourcing suppliers
  • Learn how social procurement and professional procurement can work together to advance your goals
  • Discover how the different types of procurement processes, such as transparent competitive bidding processes and “group buying”, can address common challenges facing nonprofits
  • Gain strategies to efficiently create and implement your own professional procurement policies and processes.
September 25, 2019
1h 00min
Slides | Video

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