Webinar: Frequently asked questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions from our network. Should you have any additional questions, please reach out to oveesh@theonn.ca.

  • How can I sign up?
    You can sign up on the Eventbrite page for the webinar. To view all upcoming ONN events and webinars, please visit our Eventbrite organizer profile.
  • What if Eventbrite will not allow me to register?
    This likely means that you forgot to fill out one of the required fields in the form. We recommend reviewing the full contents of the page and if it still will not allow you to register, refresh the page and start again.
  • Can anyone sign up?
    Everyone is welcome to join our webinars. All registered participants and those on the waiting list will receive a recording of the webinar and slide deck within one week of the event.
  • What if I have questions for the speakers?
    Bring your questions to the webinar and submit them to the speakers live or submit them before the webinar to our team at info@theonn.ca.
  • How much does the webinar cost? 
    Typically our webinars are free to members and for non-members, the price is $30 per webinar. Some of our webinars are free for all to help support nonprofits, e.g., Covid-19-related policy issues, election advocacy, etc. 
  • What if I am on the waitlist?
    All registered participants, including those on the waitlist, will receive the webinar recording and slide deck within one week of the event. 
  • What will the webinar cover?
    Feel free to check out our Eventbrite organizer profile to see more details on each webinar including speaker biographies, learning outcomes, and other details. 
  • Something has come up and I won’t be able to attend the webinar. Can I still receive the package?
    You can still receive the package. All registered participants will receive a recording of the webinar, slide deck, and other resources. This package is sent one week after the live webinar.
  • That webinar looked great but I completely forgot to register.
    Recordings of free webinars are available to all. Recordings of paid webinars are only available to registered attendees and current ONN members. Check our webinar web page for the latest recordings and our COVID-19 resource page to view additional COVID-19 webinars and resources.
  • When will the follow-up package be sent out?
    If you were registered, you will receive an email with the recording of the webinar, the slide deck, and other resources. This package is sent within a week after the live webinar.
  • How do I keep up to date on ONN’s webinar announcements? 
    The best way to stay up to date on ONN’s latest announcements, free resources, and updates is to subscribe to our e-news or follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • I have paid for my webinar but I would like to receive a refund because I am an ONN Member and I forgot to use my discount code.
    Tickets will be refunded in this case. As per our refund policy listed on each Eventbrite registration page, Eventbrite’s fee is non-refundable. Please contact oveesh@theonn.ca for refunds.
  • I enrolled myself and members of my team to attend this webinar. Will each registrant receive an email directly from ONN with a link to the event?
    Yes, each individual registrant and their associated email address will be emailed their unique access code to join the webinar as well as receive the follow-up material including the recording.
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