

The world has changed; your nonprofit governance should too

Do you want to get off the hamster wheel of nonprofit governance? Nonprofits and charities are transforming how they operate, and fulfill their missions in response to unprecedented changes in the nonprofit landscape. The way governance work is done needs to keep pace with these shifts.

This webinar will bust some of the myths and assumptions that keep us locked into old ways of working, and offer six ways to shift how we think about and do governance work. You will leave this session with a number of practical tools and tactics to spark reimagining governance in your organization.

All registered participants will receive a recording, and a curated list of resources within one week of the event. If you have any questions about the event, please email info@theonn.ca.


  • Erin Kang (they/she) – Director of Network Engagement, Ontario Nonprofit Network
  • Linda Mollenhauer (she/her) – Chair, Ignite NPS
July 26, 2023
1h 00min

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