ONN Wireless Services Program

About the Wireless Program
The ONN Wireless Services Program is available to all Ontario nonprofits and charities. The program is free to join.
The Wireless Services Program is part of ONN’s Purchasing Program (ONNPP), and is administered by Round Table Procurement Services (RTPS). RTPS is a professional procurement services firm that specializes in serving the nonprofit sector. SKY Wireless Communications with TELUS was selected by ONN and RTPS as the preferred supplier of wireless services for the ONNPP in late 2017. Learn more about our partnership with SKY Wireless.
Our Wireless Services Partners
With our experienced partners, SKY Wireless Communications and TELUS, we put together this program for nonprofits that is affordable and reliable. We strongly believe that a well thought out telecommunication plan is vital for nonprofits to engage and benefit the communities they serve. Our ongoing partnership with SKY Wireless will help nonprofits and charities access this service for free.
All Ontario nonprofits and charities have access to all TELUS wireless products and services, including repairs, via SKY Wireless, a TELUS dealer. This offering also includes a review of your current wireless services (devices and plans), determining your needs and desire for managed IT services, a review of your business phone system for possible upgrades to the TELUS Business Connect cloud-based VoIP solution, and the availability of consolidating and bundling your services into one cohesive telecommunication plan. SKY Wireless serves all of Ontario and is the primary point of contact for Ontario nonprofits for the ONN Wireless Services Program. All servicing, customer support and account management for TELUS wireless services will be provided by SKY Wireless for this ONN program.
What You Get With SKY Wireless and TELUS
With tools to meet your nonprofit’s unique needs, SKY Wireless will help you achieve a cost-effective solution to allow your communication opportunities to grow. They’ll work with you to consolidate and bundle each telecommunication element to create a customized plan that best suits your needs. Their goal is to work with you to build the most beneficial plan for your nonprofit.
Learn more about how SKY Wireless can help
“In 2020, FoodShare Toronto operations quickly ramped up as a result of the pandemic. While continuing to operate its Good Food Box social enterprise, FoodShare also worked alongside 80 community groups and agencies to distribute fresh produce boxes at no cost to folks facing food insecurity and most affected by COVID-19. Our food distribution team went from delivering 250 boxes a week to more than 5,000.
We knew we needed to adapt our logistical system to ensure a smooth delivery process for recipients. We needed a mobile device, but were struggling to find an affordable option. Working with the ONNPP team, FoodShare was able to purchase 14 data-enabled tablets from Sky Wireless with TELUS. These tablets have allowed our team to have all of the information they need easily, accessibly and organized in one place (no more lost paper!). They also mean we can track deliveries in real time and provide a better customer service experience. We’ve heard a ton of great feedback from both from the team and recipients of the Good Food Box.”
– Laëtitia Eyssartel, Senior Director, FoodShare Toronto
Purchasing Matters!
The ONN Purchasing Program was created to help nonprofits simplify their buying decisions, while exploring opportunities for group savings.
For more information on our program and pricing, contact the ONN Purchasing Program team.
ONN Wireless Services Program Partners

TELUS provides best-in-class technology and wireless coverage to Canadians. Via its network dealer, Sky Wireless, TELUS provides phones, devices and competitive monthly wireless rates for Ontario nonprofits and charities. Nonprofits access devices, rate plans and support services suitable to their organization’s needs.

Sky Wireless offers Ontario nonprofits the convenience of a one-stop shop to access wireless devices, telecom support and service. As the first point of contact, Sky Wireless provides personalized support, dedicated account management, free device setup, product training and repair services. Access live support online and via phone, email and physical locations. TELUS’ ‘Business Connect’ telecom service is also offered.

Round Table Procurement Services (RTPS) is ONN’s expert partner on the ONN Purchasing Program, which has launched the ONN Employee Benefits, ONN Office Supplies, ONN Print Program, and the new ONN Wireless Services Program within the last two years to help Ontario’s nonprofit sector buy better and save.