Nonprofit advocacy quiz

Did you know that nonprofits in Ontario can participate in nonpartisan advocacy? We can! And now more than ever, we need more nonprofits advocating because nothing will change unless our sector advocates for ourselves, and the communities we serve.

Aren’t there rules around advocacy for nonprofits? Yes. Test your knowledge with our short quiz below, and learn more about what the rules are. You may be surprised by the answers!

1 Are nonprofits and charities in Ontario allowed to engage in unlimited advocacy?

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2 In what ways can nonprofits and charities advocate?

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3 It is prohibited for nonprofits to lobby.

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4 Publicly funded nonprofits are:

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5 Federal nonprofits are only subject to federal lobbying rules. Provincial nonprofits are only subject to provincial lobbying rules.

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6 A charity being on the lobbying registry automatically threatens its charitable status?

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