ONN Employee Benefits Program

Available exclusively to ONN members

The Employee Benefits Program is part of ONN’s commitment to support Decent Work in the nonprofit sector. We strongly believe that employee benefits are vital to a strong and healthy nonprofit labour force.

With our experienced partners, we put together a benefits plan that would be attractive enough for larger organizations to consider, yet flexible enough to accommodate smaller organizations that wouldn’t otherwise be able to procure employee benefits.

Our Partners

The offering is part of the ONN Purchasing Program and we are pleased to partner with Cowan Insurance Group. Cowan, an Ontario firm that has supported the nonprofit sector for over 30 years, brings its experience to administer the program and provide expert advice on topics and questions you may have related to the benefits program.

The benefits program is underwritten by Manulife Financial, a leading Canadian-based financial services company. 

Why Join?

By pooling small group benefit dollars together with those of large groups, our program is able to offer stable rates, greater flexibility in benefits choices, and coverage for some groups that might otherwise have difficulty finding benefits.

The program was designed with options and choices to meet your organizations needs. We offer packaged plans that are ideal for organizations with less than 20 employees and customized plans for those with 20+ employees. Benefits can be switched or added to at any time – creating a perfect fit for your organization now and as needs change.

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We are grateful to Definity Foundation for being a Connector+.
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